Monday, March 19, 2007

"The Secret" and Simply Slim Strategy

The whole idea of my blog Simply Slim Strategy stemmed from years of struggle with my weight and studying self-help books to improve various aspects of my life.

Early January this year I stumbled across the very popular "the Secret" website and video and once again re-visited the whole concept of the Law of Attraction.

I have been trying to implement the Law of Attraction with some success since then to various goals I would like to acheive....the biggy being a permanent, naturally slim body.
The author discuss how she attained this goal by consistent visualization of her goal and being slim vs. concentrating on the act of weight loss. She also goes on to mention the strategy she used to acheive this goal outline by Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Being Well (The Science of Getting Rich his other book is the premise for the "The Secret" itself).

It his from his guidleines as to how to eat properly for proper health and vitality that I derived my Simply Slim Strategy as well ( also because of the fact his method is simple and I can incorporate it easily into my hectic life which consists of running after my overly energetic 8 month boy!) His methodolgy also is consistent with a couple of other books I have read, are straightforward and make perfect sense. Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra and The Seven Secrets of Slim People by by Vikki Hansen and Shawn Goodman.

It is my sincere hope through this blog that I do become Simply Slim along with others who hold this intention.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Indecision and procrastination have been a big factor with me falling short of achieving my goals. I always wonder if my decision is "right" and am always trying to avoid needless anguish. Avoiding a decision or procrastinating allows me temporary relief from discomfort, however increases my mental clutter and decreases my self esteem.

This morning I came across this article while surfing the web for an explanation of my constant indecisiveness.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Short intro, Simple plan

I am a 31 year old first-time mother of a beautiful 8 month baby boy, currently on Maternity leave and due back to work in about 4 months. I have been chubby/ overweight all my life...started off my pregnancy that way and am very tightly fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes.

I am embarking on a mission to finally become permanently, naturally slim and healthy without employing any gimmicky or overly complicated diet or exercise program. A simple routine that I can easily adapt into my lifestyle. Hence the name for the blog, Simply Slim Strategy.

My simple plan of action is:

1. Eat a moderate lunch and dinner, fruits and tea only before noon. Only fruits and veggies for snacks if needed.

2. 10- 15 minutes aerobic exercise daily.

3. Focus on being successful on this plan at a given moment. Success now= Successful future

The reasoning behind my plan?

I chosen this particular eating plan so that I am actually hungry for mealtime. To enhance the enjoyment of the meal and allow it to be properly digested.
So I'm not constantly having to think about what to eat next all day. So I can devoted 15- 20 minutes to properly chew, relax and savor the food I ingest.

With regards to exercise...only 10-15 minutes a day. Again, I know this is not optimal, but this is what I can incorporate easily into my daily routine. I feel consistency is a key determining factor in success.

Focus on success in the moment.
I have been down the path of trying to achieve my ideal weight many, many times... I'm sure others can relate to this. However, whenever I slip up on any given plan...I give my self permission to start again tomorrow...start again Monday, have a final binge...this has become a never ending cycle and has lead to years and years of struggle and failure to permanently achieve my goal. So my goal at any given time is to be successful in the moment.

There it is...short, sweet and simple. I hope to frequently blog with my details of my progress and many more details.